Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 54: White Dress with Pink Tie

Time to completion: 1hour

Finishing off this post a day late - I did the work on the clothing yesterday, but ran out of time to make this post.

Not much of note happened today; I simply completed the outfit I was unable to complete yesterday due to grid issues. It's sad that Message Liberation has been pushed back again, but if the problems this week have been anything to go by, it's better to get those sorted out first and get back on track with projects later.

Quite obviously this dress is based directly on yesterday's white shirt with a pink tie. The main feature of the skirt is the length - I made a new panel to use with ged's LoopRez Deluxe (which I'm starting to think I'm going to mention every single blog post), spread the information to the other panels in the skirt, and played around with the number of panels, flare, and other parameters.

I'm getting faster with the LoopRez Generator, getting to know it a little better. I can only imagine how long it would have taken me to hand-place all these panels, had I taken the time to learn to make clothing before the advent of this wonderful device. And what a tedious procedure it must have been, too! I do think though that I will end up somewhat hand-placing prims for skirts at some point in my clothing creation career, some time when I want an asymmetrical look.

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