Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 56: Pink Petticoat

Time to completion: 1.5 hrs

Well, I was feeling a bit slack today, not really wanting to go out, so I thought I'd sit around at home for a bit, wash my hair, paint my nails, have a massage, that sort of thing. I wanted to stick on my dressing gown that I made a million years ago, but it looks like Sladen has it - it was just too much trouble to login as him/her, given the trouble my machine was having today.

At any rate, I've been keen to expand my experience with different fabric types, particularly since I'm a bit crap in that department - nothing like a bit of practice!! I pulled the lace from a photo, tiled the result by hand (because Make Seamless really messes up patterns), then erased the netting between the main parts of the lace to give a clean, open look.

I haven't focused in on the straps too much - they are a little wiggly over the shoulders, but It's my first attempt at making the straps so wee. Still, I think the triangular shape I've used might look better than a string strap at the shoulder; admittedly, it's not as appropriate for as many garments.

I paid no attention this time to matching the pattern at the seams where the lace is, though I think that I will investigate that soon. Or perhaps next. I may well get diverted by double layer skirts, or wrinkles, or clothing detailing like pockets and collars :)

I'm amazed that I've kept up creating, making up and blogging even for this long. It's pretty common for me to get frustrated early on in projects, feel bored and give up well before I could expect to see any results. I guess this is a good process in that I'm having substantial successes already.

Here's a brief update on my home turf. I've moved the photo booth out of the way to prepare a space for the waterfall and rock pile. I've laid out all my junk down on one platform, and set up the other with art of the walls and armchairs below that. Diana the Huntress protects all :)

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