Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day 74: Black and White Dress

Today's soft-focus images seem to have blurred out most of the details of the eyes and skin that I wore for this shoot; however, the focus has cleaned up the jaggy edges created by cutting away the background, so it's somewhat of a compromise.

I can't remember if I mentioned this previously, so I'm going to go ahead and mention it anyway - I'm using shades of off-white in all my work now, both to reduce the starkness of a pure white, and in preparation for requiring a surface to do highlights and shadows on when I get around to learning to create wrinkles in fabric. I'm also using off-white as my background in images, which makes it easier to see the clothing.

This dress was inspired by a design I saw in a sewing magazine. I included plenty of panels to smooth out the pleated look of the skirt somewhat, and used plenty of flare to give a nice sense of flow, though it looks even less like the original that way.

Today's skin and eyes are by Robin Sojourner; I don't recall the names, exactly, but if you search for Robin by name, she has her stores listed in her picks. Today's hair is the ETD/Aveda Flip, a Black Pack, I seem to remember.

This last shot shows me walking with the dress on; I wasn't quite sure whether to attempt to match up stripes on my skirt with my pants, whether to leave the pants all white, or to use some combination. In the end I left it as you see it: off-white pants, with black stockings from above the knee. It still looks odd, to my mind, but better than it looked in the other combinations.

I'd love to know what my avatar was thinking when I took this shot. She has a real brood on :)

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