Sunday, July 8, 2007

Day 65 Sun 06 07 2007: Kawaii Red Stripe Dress

Still sick; still suffering. *Sniff*


I saw this ad and immediately wanted to own the dress. For real. Well, that wasn't happening: beside all other considerations, there's no way I'm going to fit into an outfit designed for a tiny Asian lass. I'm just not built that way.

So it became my SL project for today.

First I thought, aw, heck, how'm I going to do convincing stripes? Well, I found a tutorial (which I might follow next time), but I also found the Stripe Generator, with which I was able to make stripes in all orientations required really easily.

So, you see, the stripes were of little consequence. Even layering them so that there were stripes going this way, that and the other did not really cause a problem: it just meant more layers and more path-toolery.

The bow at the front was so easy it felt like cheating. I did bother to fill in the ribbon details on the bodice, but could not then work out how to align the skirt so as to show them.

The skirt was little enough trouble, especially now that I have a good idea of what settings to use with the LoopRez Generator. All it really took was a little upping and downing; because of the way breasts stick out, the skirt very conveniently tucks itself out of the way to the sides but shows up in the centre, creating exactly the line I needed.

Then, just when everything was going really well, I had to deal with the sleeves. I was determined to make prim sleeves, determined, I tell you!!

They didn't happen. I tried a torus. An ovoid. Many tori. Tori and an ovoid. I didn't even have much luck getting the arm covered completely, let alone creating the effect I wanted. I did try attaching objects to the shoulder. The upper arm. Both the shoulder and the upper arm. Eventually it was time to give up on prims for the day.

My next bright sleeve idea was to add the sleeves in on the jacket layer, seeming to remember that the jacket too had looseness settings. :( No such luck.

So, anyway, the thing's cute, is respectably akin to the original, and damnit, I'm too sick to work on it again today!!

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