Sunday, July 1, 2007

Day 58, Sun 1 07 2007: Jeans with wrinkles

Further experimentation with denim, this time incorporating that all-time bugbear, the wrinkle, into the mix. I tried using bumpmapping, but just couldn't seem to get a satisfactory result; I think that I just need a bit more experimentation there to get it to happen. I turned instead to simply drawing on the denim, and dodging and burning in the creases. Above you can see my first attempts. Firstly, I started down too far into the crotch of the jeans. Next I made the creases too straight and not random or organic enough; the stitching didn't work out too well either, but I was still trying things out at this point. I also misplaced the pockets :)

The next pair worked out considerably better. I drew on the fabric using a photo of the pair of jeans being worn as a guide. Not fabulous, but certainly better than the first two attempts. Not bad, for someone who "does not draw". As always, the drawn on parts look more realistic from a distance.

I'm just showing how the jeans evolved as I continued to add detail. I think the wrinkles around the back of the knees worked out particularly well. The pockets could do with a little more burning in.

The final shot in this series contains my first corset-like garment, also with wrinkles. Again, not quite right, but I think I'll reassess my skills in this area sometime when I've had more than a day's practice :)

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